Energy assessor insurance requirements

Professional indemnity insurance (PI) is a type of business insurance that protects you if your services or advice cause a client to suffer financial loss. It covers the cost of compensating clients for damage resulting from information or advice that you have provided as part of your inspection and energy reporting process.

In the event that you have an accident whilst carrying out an inspection, Public liability insurance (PL) covers legal fees and compensation if someone makes a claim against your business due to injury or property damage.

What Level of Insurance do you need? Each of the Accreditaiton strands have a slightly different requirement for insurance as detialed below. Sterling Accreditation also provides insurance for assessors on a pay per click basis. Our scheme insurance offers £2m PI and PL and costs £1.95 +VAT per lodgement.

Energy Performance Certificates - Levels 3 & 4: Members are required to have professional indemnity insurance cover of £250,000 for each claim in relation to any particular EPC, and public liability insurance of £1,000,000 per claim in relation to EPCs for existing buildings.

Display Energy Certificates: Members are required to have professional indemnity insurance cover of £100,000 for each claim in relation to any particular DEC and Advisory Report, and public liability insurance of £1,000,000 per claim.

Air Conditioning Reports: Members are required to have professional indemnity insurance cover of £50,000 for each claim in relation to any particular Level 3 ACIR and £500,000 for each claim in relation to any particular Level 4 ACIR, and public liability insurance of £1,000,000 per claim for inspections carried out at either Level 3 or Level 4.

Domestic EPCs: Members are required to have a minimum professional indemnity insurance cover of £50,000 for each claim in relation to any particular EPC, and public liability insurance of £1,000,000 per claim.

Insurance Run-off: Energy Assessors (members and withdrawn members) are required to provide and maintain Run Off Cover for a period of 10 years

Checking of Insurance Cover: Sterling Accreditation will check for valid insurance at every lodgement and make reasonable checks to ensure that members have the required cover at all times. As a minimum the checks shall include obtaining copies of valid certificates of insurance as part of: membership applications; membership renewals; and insurance renewals.